picture of Jeff Logan

Jeff Logan
Portland, Maine

Well, we've painted the Ratcliff Highway red
To the tune of twelvemonth's pay –
We've cruised around from the Ship Aground
To the shores of Tiger Bay;
We've stood our pals and we've kissed the gals
For a fortnight and a day,
Now we're outward bound from Sailortown,
And it's time we're on our way!

For there's something wrong with the dance and song,
And there ain't no bite in beer –
So let's set sail for New South Wales,
Any port, long's it's not here;
Baltic way, down the Bay,
Up the China Seas;
Pensacola, Palembang,
Anywhere you please.

You can get your sea-chest out of pawn,
Or leave it where it lies –
You can pay your shot, or maybe not,
You can kiss your gal good-bye;
With a "Now, me Dear, be of good cheer,
We'll see you next pay day,"
Well, we're outward bound from Sailortown,
And it's time we're on our way!

Now we'll warp her out with a song or shout,
And give the tug a cheer –
Then it's off we go to Callao,
Any port, long's it's not here;
Baltic way, down the Bay,
Up the China Seas;
Pensacola, Palembang,
Anywhere you please.

Baltic way, down the Bay,
Up the China Seas;
Pensacola, Palembang,
Anywhere you please.

(Poem by C. Fox Smith, FULL SAIL, pp. 69-71 © 1926
Adapted and musically arranged by Charlie Ipcar © 2004
Tune after traditional "Blow the Candles Out")

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